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Everything you need to learn guitar soloing…
- Fretboard diagrams illustrating moveable pentatonic shapes for chord progressions found in rock and roll, pop, country and blues
- Side-by-side pentatonic positions to follow the chord changes
- Color coding to indicate key chord tones to hit and which notes to bend while soloing
- Moveable triads to easily memorize chord tones and scale shapes
- 60 minutes of backing tracks (below)
I-V-IV (B Major) Backing track for the I-V-IV Chord Progression
I-V-IV Alternate (B Major) Alternate Backing track for the I-V-IV Chord Progression
I-V-vi-IV (B Major) Backing track for the I-V-iv-IV Chord Progression
I-bVII-IV (B Major) Backing track for the I-bVII-IV Chord Progression
I-bIII-IV (B Major) Backing track for the I-bIII-IV Chord Progression

Everything you need to know for blues soloing…
- Fretboard diagrams illustrating moveable major and minor pentatonic positions for each chord in the 12-bar blues
- Side-by-side pentatonic positions to mix major and minor scales for each chord
- Color coding to indicate key chord tones to hit and which notes to bend while soloing
- Moveable triads to easily memorize chord tones and scale shapes
- 45 minutes of backing tracks (below)
12 Bar Blues in B Backing track for the Major 12 Bar Blues
12 Bar Blues in B Minor Backing track for the Minor 12 Bar Blues
12 Bar Blues in B Minor (Variation) Backing track for the Minor 12 Bar Blues Variation